GENERAL Just like in the low back, so in the neck, the spinal joints (zygoapophycial joints) over time, degenerate and eventually suffer from osteoarthritis. This condition is called by some as cervical spondylosis and others, as known in common, cervical syndrome. SYMPTOMS Cervical spondylarthritis is a chronic spine degenerative disease , causing morning stiffness and pain […]
DISCOGEL is an intradiscal injection treatment which offers quick relief from pain. Sciatica is a very common condition in people of all ages with prolapsed or herniated intervertebral disc in the lumbar spine. Except in very rare cases where the neurological picture (progressive and worsening loss of muscle strength and / or loss of urine […]
ANATOMY The pain signals from visceral organs of the upper abdomen (pancreas, liver, spleen, gall bladder, stomach, small intestine, kidney, adrenal gland) are transferred to the spinal cord and from there to the brain via the splanchnic nerves. The splanchnic nerves are three, the greater, the minor and the least, emerging from the roots of […]
A new Medtronic (NYSE:MDT) neurostimulation system that uses motion-sensor technology to automatically adjust stimulation levels in patients with chronic leg and back pain has won U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval. The AdaptiveStim RestoreSensor system comprises an implanted device that interrupts pain signals from reaching the brain, causing the user to feel a tingling sensation […]
ALISO VIEJO, Calif., Nov. 3, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Avanir Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ: AVNR) today announced the enrollment of the first patient in the PRIME study. The PRIME study is a Phase II clinical trial investigating the use of AVP-923 for the treatment of central neuropathic pain in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Market Activity AVANIR […]
The Journal Diseases of the Colon and Rectum recently published data from a multicenter, prospective trial showing that use of Medtronic’s InterStim Therapy via sacral nerve stimulation reduced incontinent episodes and improved quality of life in a majority of patients with chronic fecal incontinence at three years of follow up. Medgadget reported on the surgically […]
Gienna Shaw, for HealthLeaders Media, June 13, 2011 High-Frequency Electrical Nerve-Block Technology Manufacturer: Neuros Medical, Inc., Cleveland Researchers: Amol Soin, MD, of the Kettering Innovation Center and the Ohio Pain Clinic explains the research. In the first human test of the technology, patients with chronic amputation pain, which affects nearly one million patients in the […]
August 26, 2011 — An open-label phase 1/2 trial of patients with treatment-resistant fibromyalgia shows that the therapy is safe and effective and may be a useful treatment addition. The aim of the uncontrolled single-center pilot study was to determine whether periodic but continuous stimulation of the left vagus nerve is a safe, tolerable, and […]
GENERAL Pain and depression are connected in a complex way. Pain causes depression and depression causes pain. About 30% of patients suffering from chronic pain, suffer also from clinically established pain-induced depression, and almost all patients suffering from chronic pain experience mood changes. Patients with chronic pain also suffering from depression, are affected more by […]